

December 21, 2015

Long time ago, just before Christmas, I visited Göteborg for a very short and very spontaneous weekend. I did not know much about the city, apart from a couple of things I read in a magazine found on my train. Thankfully, Göteborg turned out to be a friendly place, much calmer than Stockholm, a bit similiar to Poznań, when it comes to its size and the omnipresence of trams. Plus, a lot of water and some nice buldings, what else can I ask for. I quickly found some cosy streets at the Haga district, a busy and fun Andra Långgatan and a Christmas Market at Liseberg amusement park, which suprised me with tons of fake snow. Yes, winter came to Sweden quite late that year, just when I was leaving for Christmas at home. Also, as you can see, that December was not especially lucky for my camera, there photos just like the ones from Norway, were not supposed to be that dark and grainy!


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