

November 19, 2015

I’ve recently noticed that most of my scandinavian photos disappeared from my previous blog. That’s why I’d like to post some of them them here, add a few that were not published recently, and bring back some memories from my old days in Sweden.  This post is another one from the “Autumn series”, and it is about my first visit to a town called Sigtuna.

04102512A tiny town by the Mälaren lake, about 1,5 hour from Stockholm. Founded in the year 980, soon it became the first capital of Sweden. Today it’s a couple of charming streets, a museum and an old town hall. Perfect place for a short trip from Stockholm, especially during winter when the christmas market is held in Sigtuna’s old streets. (I liked it much better than Stockholm’s markets, maybe except for the one in Skansen, but that’s a story for another time! :))



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  • Reply Nancy November 23, 2015 at 9:21 am

    Looks like a beautiful little town – like out of a film… Beautiful pictures, Ania!

  • Reply Barbara November 23, 2015 at 10:03 pm

    I’ve never been to sweeden but i’m really looking forward going! pretty pics!

    • Reply Ania Margoszczyn November 29, 2015 at 12:14 pm

      Thank you Barbara! 🙂 Sweden is a beautiful place, I am sure you’ll enjoy it once you’re there!

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